The quest for the perfect stack

I was reading a blog the other day and I really liked the tagline: Its whimsical and meaningless (perfect algorithm for what task? With what users?). But it speaks to something. Its as if Design Thinking is some civilised front on a beast within me, and it speaks directly to…

ShareJS and ShareDB

This was posted on the sharejs & derby mailing lists and there's a great discussion there. I first wrote ShareJS hoping for a simple library on top of which people could build their own collaborative applications. I showed off the first working version in April 2012, running on NodeJS 0.…

Alan Kay

Alan Kay is such a champion. He's 75 years old and still doing absolutely amazing work. If you're not familiar with him he was on the team at Xerox Parc in the 60's where the GUI was invented (along with object-oriented programming, postscript, ethernet and all sorts of other stuff)…

Why I am no longer a libertarian

Next time you see your outspoken libertarian friend, ask them this hypothetical: Lets represent everyone in the world by two people: Jim and Bob. Jim owns everything in the whole world - all the land, all the animals, all the food. Everything. Bob owns nothing. Bob is hungry and will…

Maps and Sets

One of the super useful new features of ES6 is Map, Set and its friends WeakMap and WeakSet. We've always had objects in javascript, but the reason why this is a big deal is that maps map based on an object reference, not just a string. Here's a few ways…

Culture and Imprisonment

"If nonviolent criminal laws were enforced on college campuses or investment banks for just a single day in the same rates as in poor communities, there would be twenty-four-hour news vans outside of every local jail and immediate public hearings about the harshness and efficacy of our legal system. .... Instead,…